Tip 1: Manual handling for comfort and safety
As beautiful and precious as our children are, when you are carrying your child, think of them like that box in the work manual handling video! Keep them close to you and up near your chest; this will usually feel more comfortable than fastening loosely when your child hangs away from your body.
Tip 2: Weight distribution
The secret to a comfortable carrier or sling is to find one that distributes your child’s weight widely and evenly. Usually a carrier or sling that distributes weight to both shoulders and your hips or waist is more comfortable one shoulder. This is not true for everyone so check out our article to help you choose a sling.
Tip 3: Wide padded straps help some
Padding can offer more comfort for the wearer, but be aware this isn’t always the case. Sometimes something that moulds to your body is more comfy Wrap straps (those made of wrap fabric) are usually wide and cup your shoulders to further distribute weight.
Tip 4: No slack
Your sling or carrier straps should touch your body along the full length of the strap . When a carrier hangs away from you then it pulls on your body. Effective tightening can help.
Tip 5: Sort out slipping straps
If your shoulder straps slip down, then you probably need to tighten them, or move the chest strap upwards.
Tip 6:
For parents who have recently given birth by caesarean or have any health issues; it is usually possible to safely and comfortably to carry your child; however, you may need to choose a carrier that avoids certain areas. Please use your own judgement and contact a professional for further advice if necessary.
Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Carrying basics, Parents & families