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Rochelle’s carrying story: the freedom of slings

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Rochelle’s carrying story: the freedom of slings

freedom of carrying
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“I started baby wearing when Jay was a newborn. We used a Close Caboo we bought from a high street shop that I didn’t really know how to use. When he got to a few months old wearing him just hurt my back. I thought that was it for us and that was really hard because he always needed that physical contact.

sling freedom carrying

When Jay was around 6 months old I saw a lady at the tram stop wearing a toddler. Finally, I asked how; that’s when I found out about sling libraries. I was amazed at just how many options there were. I was relieved to have help to know how to do it safely. This was a parenting game changer for us!

sleeping baby

We learnt how to use buckles, ring slings, wraps; everything! I fell in love with the freedom carrying gave us. I felt so close and so in tune with Jay and his needs. On my tough days, where I was struggling with anxiety and depression I found having Jay in the sling very grounding.

happy baby carrying

Having Jay in the sling meant he saw the world from an adult’s height. He was always involved in conversations when we met people. We could chat away and play whilst still doing what we needed to. Now he’s 3.7 years old and walks everywhere, but we do always have a sling in the bag as those little legs still get tired. Sometimes being 3 is tough and you just need a slingy snuggle to feel secure again”

If you’d like any help at any point on your sling journey, why not get in touch by email, or call us on 01133 206 545 to book a FREE 15 minute phone consultation or a longer phone or video consultation. We can help you find the right sling for your situation

Meanwhile, find out more about slings, carriers and carrying in the carrying section of our Knowledge hub

Do you have a story to share? Email with the subject Your Carrying Story!

Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Being a parent, Calming babies, Why carry
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