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Consultant training & experience questions

  • An in-depth blended learning course preparing you to be a wide-ranging specialist consultant
  • Over 36 hours of in-person training with snacks and refreshments included, or over 45 hours of interactive online training.
  • Multi-media online learning modules, with the option to download and print written elements.
  • Content written by highly qualified and experienced professionals in multiple specialisms
  • An electronic copy of the course content for your specialism to keep
  • Comprehensive tutor support throughout your training period
  • Access to a training peer support online group, with other trainees, tutors and the leadership team
  • General support to set up your individual business
  • Free CalmFamily consultant membership for 12 months from the end of your interactive training date
  • A Sling School stretchy wrap, and Mamaruga Zensling for all baby specialist trainees, and a Mamaruga Zensling for all toddler specialist trainees. (Consultants who are adding a second specialism will only receive slings that they did not receive on a previous training)
  • The right to sign up for membership with all of its benefits at any time in the future.

​You can read about membership here
Read about the baby course content
Read about the toddler course content

Technically, you do not receive a “qualification”. Our training courses are not currently accredited through a recognised UK qualification provider.  This is what is required to describe a course as a qualification. 

Not many training courses are actually qualifications, even when they are described this way. We are looking to accredit our courses in the future. 

For now you can be assured that we are spending the precious time it would take to go through this process in making sure the training is comprehensive, high quality and enjoyable. We frequently re-evaluate our content and training materials in light of current research findings. 

Following your basic training you will be a “trained” consultant through CalmFamily. 

If you choose to complete the full recognition process, you will be a “certified” consultant through us. 

We are known by many parents and professionals as an excellent training provider.

You will be given an assessment pack that outlines the requirements to complete your training. 

After you complete your interactive training you have 12 weeks in which to complete the assessment and meet with us to discuss your responses and have this signed off. 

Once this is done, you can start running consultations and programme sessions. 

The assessment is largely reflective. It is based on how you would prepare to run different sessions, respond to enquiries, and approach parent support, as well as some self-development reflection questions. You are also asked to create one resource to support CalmFamily or other consultants, and one resource to support parents. We provide suggestions of ways to achieve this, and example of past submissions. After the content weeks for your training we offer a session to discuss the assessment.


After you have completed your interactive training, which is 5 days per specialism for in person training, or between 2-4 weeks for single or dual specialisms online, you have 12 weeks in which to complete your assessment. After this you will be able to run sessions. 

Please see specific questions about in person and online training, and ‘What do I need to do to complete my training?’ For more details.

No. The online modules take you through all the content that forms the underpinning knowledge you need to be a consultant. The online or in person interactive training days give you the understanding of how to deliver education and support to parents effectively. 

Even if you sign up just before the dates and haven’t even looked at the online modules yet, you will still be able to gain what is needed from the training days whilst knowing that the underpinning knowledge is coming. For online training we do have pre-recorded videos that we ask you to watch prior to the sessions to ensure a baseline of understanding.

You can select from the dates provided on the website to book your interactive training. 

The online written module content is usually made available within 24-48 hours of booking. Being given access to the online materials constitutes 

The only time this may not happen is in exceptional circumstances or if it is a completely new programme. In both cases you will be advised as to when the modules will be available.

Yes. It is possible to train as a CalmFamily consultant on a one-to-one basis with in Hampshire, Lancashire, remotely, or, potentially, in your own home. 

The training you would receive would be bespoke to your needs. Costs will depend upon upon duration, location and expenses.

If you are interested in a one to one training package then please contact us at to outline your interest, and what you hope to get out of your training so that we can tailor our offering to your needs. 

Thus far we have not run in person training outside the UK. We are willing to consider doing so, however we would need support to get together a preliminary group or groups who would like to train in baby and toddler specialisms. The costs may vary as there would be travel and accommodation costs for two, shipping for training materials, as well as venue costs.

If this is something you would like us to consider then please get in touch on and we will explore this option with you. 

No. Franchises are “buy a business in a box” type situations where you pay a lot of money, have an exclusive area and can sell it when you decide to move on. CalmFamily offers a number of things, none of which are like a franchise.

First and foremost, we are a training school and education community. We offer education and training for people who want to pass on education and support to parents. Once trained, you can offer consultations based on your acquired knowledge with no ongoing costs. You still get to stay a part of our trained consultant community.

If you want to also deliver our branded education programme sessions (E.g. BabyCalm or ToddlerCalm courses or workshops) or use our intellectual property and frameworks then you need to purchase a licence from us. This legally protects you when using our intellectual property. You can purchase a license individually, or you can enjoy unlimited licences and other included benefits (e.g. ToddlerCalm, NurtureCalm and BabyCalm) with Consultant membership, all at one cost. 

Regardless, you can work in any location you choose, including online, at any time. Anyone else who is trained can do the same. Having multiple professionals in one area is super helpful for visibility and collaborative working.

Your training comes with consultant membership that lasts 12 months from the end of your interactive training. This entitles you to all the benefits of membership outlined here {link} 

After this initial 12 months you do not need ongoing membership to continue to be a CalmFamily trained consultant. As long as you have completed the interactive training and the assessment then you can take the knowledge that you receive during training, run your business and consult with parents as you choose without any ongoing payment to us. You even get to be part of our community groups still. You can take or leave membership.

Membership is a choice but it is hugely beneficial offering savings on costs you would likely incur and increasing your visibility and booking onto your services. 

Membership is also the most cost effective way to buy licences to run our education programmes.  You need a licence to use our intellectual property which covers our education programme content, branding, handouts, frameworks and resources. 

You can buy single programme licences individually, however membership costs less than the cost of two licenses, and provides unlimited licences to run all CalmFamily programmes in which you are trained. If you are trained in two or more specialisms then membership is usually the most cost effective option, and is the cheapest option that enables you to run sessions for all of your specialisms. 

Membership is also the best way to ensure all your content is up to date. It gives you the opportunity to re-attend training, gives you a discounted rate on future programmes, and CPD sessions, and access to new handouts, manual content and more as it is released.

Consultant membership of CalmFamily is both affordable and flexible, making joining financially viable, beneficial and accessible to all. You can read all about our memberships here.

Many companies refuse to publicise their prices for ongoing membership or licences. We want you to have all the information right here. Membership includes:

  • Unlimited licences for our education programmes (£129 each separately)
  • Website listing (£19 per annum separately)
  • Email account (£29 per annum separately)
  • Booking form and system inc. unlimited payments (£59 per annum separately)
  • 25% discount on all further training (only with membership)
  • Access to all updates of content and resources (one update separately is £249)
  • Access to re-attend your training as much as you want to (only with membership)
  • Access to the consultant shop (only with membership)
  • Access to the CalmFamily mentoring programme (only with membership)
  • 15% off all retail at It’s a Sling Thing with no deposits on hires (only with membership)
  • Access to projects we have in the works in the future including publishing, collaboration, and funding opportunities. (only with membership).

Membership is: £299 per annum OR £29 per month on a rolling monthly basis after an initial 6 month minimum term OR £99 for a season membership of 3 months for those who want to work seasonally, flexibly or simply want to update their learning and access new materials every now and then. The seasonal membership does not allow access to re-attend training.

A licence is a permission granted by CalmFamily to use our intellectual property and copyrighted material.  This covers our courses, workshops, other sessions, our frameworks, structures, handouts, visuals and branding. 

Your training includes a 12 month consultant membership, which covers a license to run all sessions relating to programmes in which you are trained, and to use the associated branding, content, handouts, frameworks and structures in both CalmFamily branded sessions, and consultations.

If you wish to run any of our session, use our visuals or handouts, make reference to our frameworks, structures or other intellectual property in any of your work then you need to have a licence. 

You do not need a licence to use the subject knowledge gained through our training to run consultations or parenting courses that are written by you, and are no based on our intellectual property and do not utilise our activities. 

If you hold a consultant membership of CalmFamily then this includes all licenses. You do not need to buy a license in addition to this. 

The mentoring process is a paid for mentoring scheme with an experienced CalmFamily consultant. You can select from the list of mentors, and discuss what you want from a mentor, and what different mentors are prepared to offer. When you find a mentor that you would like to work with, who is happy to mentor you you pay them £149 directly. This usually covers a period of 6-12 months, however you may agree to have more frequent sessions over a shorter period. 

What this will get you in terms of hours, months, and frequency of sessions is something to discuss with the mentor prior to payment. We suggest writing this out so that both parties are clear.

You are free to enter into another mentoring relationship after the end of your first mentorship, either with the same mentor, or another who offers development and support in other areas.

In this period your mentor can support you with your goals and self development. This may be to improve your social media, your consultations skills, your subject knowledge confidence, to help you figure out the aspects of the role that you most enjoy, and to promote and build upon these. Your goals are your own, and the areas that you will cover to work towards these goals will vary. 

This is an extremely valuable opportunity to build a relationship and have ongoing support and accountability. 

This is not a service that is restricted to new trainees. Any CalmFamily trained consultant with a consultant membership can use the mentoring service at any point that they feel it would benefit them or their business.

After you complete your in person training you have 12 weeks in which to complete the assessment and meet with us to discuss your responses and sign it off. Once this is done, you can start running consultations and programme sessions. The assessment is largely reflective. It is based on how you would prepare to run different sessions, respond to enquiries, and approach parent support, as well as some self-development reflection questions. You are also asked to create one resource to support CalmFamily or other consultants, and one resource to support parents. We provide suggestions of ways to achieve this, and example of past submissions. 

Some trainees begin working within weeks of completing the course, whilst others take the 12 weeks. 

You are not required to have read all of the online/manual content in order to complete the assessment. You may use the online/manual content to prepare and develop your understanding as you prepare to run each session.

The directors are happy to meet with you at any point during your training to discuss any concerns you are having. This can be with one of the directors running the training or another member of the director team if you prefer. 

We are aware that training can bring up practical issues, and emotional issues. We are happy to offer whatever support we can to help you identify and meet your needs during training and beyond. 


If you have booked to attend an in-person training session and wish to reschedule then we will do our best to make this possible. However, there may be a discretionary fee to cover a proportion of venue hire and associated costs. We keep group sizes relatively small for training to give us a chance to meet the needs of each trainee, and a trainee rescheduling at the last minute can mean that that training becomes financially unviable.  This can have an impact on other trainees, or on CalmFamily, if we run training at a loss. 

You will be offered a place on a subsequent in person or online training, where one is available, however priority will be given to new bookings if there is competition for places. We are not able to refund the difference in price if you choose to take up online training, rather than in-person training. At our discretion we may allow you to use the difference between the cost paid for in person training, and online training towards paying for a dual specialism instead of single specialism, or consider it as payment towards a payment plan of a different value. Please get in touch to discuss your options if you need to reschedule. 

If you reschedule repeatedly, or do not take up the offer to train within 12 months, no refund will be offered. After 12 months any offer we make to allow you to reschedule training is at our discretion. If training prices have increased you may be asked to cover the difference between the amount you paid and the current price of training.


If you have booked to attend an online training and wish to reschedule then we will do our best to make this possible.

This is usually less problematic than rescheduling in person training. In the case of the subsequent online training being oversubscribed, you may have to wait to attend an online course.


If you have booked to train with us, online or in person, we consider you to have begun training when you are given access to the online materials. This usually occurs with 24-48 hours of your booking being confirmed.  

Creating an account and logging into our website constitutes beginning your training. As you have had access to our materials we reserve the right not to offer any refund. We are happy to work with you to help you to reschedule training or access it in an appropriate way. 


If you attend training, in person or online, and subsequently decide not to practice as a consultant or run any sessions you are not entitled to a refund.

If you book training, pay a deposit, or the amount up front, do not create an online account or access any materials and then change your mind we would offer a refund on the following basis.

Within 24 hours of ordering (in which no online account is created): full refund

If you book online or in person training and request a refund longer than 28 days before training begins: then we will refund the full amount paid, minus the non-refundable deposit.

If you book online or in person training and request a refund between 28 and 14 days before training begins: then we will retain your non-refundable deposit. If we have someone on a waiting list who can take up your place on our course then we will refund the rest of the amount that you have paid. However, where we are unable to fill your place no refund will be given. You will be offered the option to reschedule.

If you request a refund under 14 days before training begins then we are unable to offer any refund on payments you have already made. However, we may be able to offer you a chance to reschedule. 

We offer all consultants who hold a non seasonal consultant membership the option to re-attend training, either online or in-person. 

There are no costs involved with re-attending training online. If you choose to re-attend training in person then there is a discretionary fee of £50 to cover admin and refreshments. This may be payable on a pro rata basis if you are only attending one or two days. 

We cannot guarantee that there will be space to re-attend your chosen in person training session. We use small venues and keep group sizes small, and priority will be given to new trainee bookings. There may be a waiting list for consultants wishing to re-attend in person training. If you wish to re-attend training online this is not usually an issue. Only in the case of having an oversubscribed course will we request that you defer to another cohort. 

If an online course is oversubscribed it may be possible to arrange for you to attend specific sessions to cover any sections you may have missed from your course, or wish to refresh, subject to agreement from other trainees and trainers.