This week parents all over England and Wales are heading out on the first school runs of the academic year! School runs can be stressful with just one child to deal with, but if you’re adding in younger siblings or children with additional needs then getting everyone to school on time can be a tricky matter! A sling can be a great tool to take on the school run. They help little legs get places quickly, and make taking exhausted small ones home again at the end of a day.
For most parents the key to slinging on the school run is speed! A sling which is quick and easy to throw on will mean you can get a baby in and ready to go whilst you’re rushing around grabbing P.E kits and school bags.
What sling might work for you on the school run will depend on what slings you like using, what age children you are carrying and whether you need to carry different ages of child.
Obviously, you can use any combination of slings on the school run, and you’ll have your own preferences, but here are some suggestions for super fast options which might be useful!
Ring slings
There’s a knack to using ring slings that can be hard to start with. However, once you’ve mastered it they can be incredibly fast and easy to use. They are suitable from birth, even for small or premature babies. Ring slings can suit toddlers, preschoolers, and even school age children too. This makes them an ideal ‘just in case’ option for the school run. Rings slings are handy if your child wants to be up and down a lot. They are small and compact so you don’t have a bulky sling to carry when your child is walking! Ring slings are also adjustable between different sizes of children. If you need to swap between children this could be an option.
Ring slings are often easier over short distances, especially if you’re carrying heavier children. So, if your school run is long there may be a better option. However if you’re driving somewhere and then need to jump out with children, and then get back in the car quickly they are definitely worth a look!
Buckle carriers
Most people think of buckle carriers when they are looking for something super fast. Finding the right buckle carrier for you can be time consuming. However, actually putting one on is quick which makes them an ideal option for carrying on the school run. There are buckle carriers suitable for tiny newborns and giant school age children and everything in between! Using a buckle carrier means it is easy to let a walking child get back down when they have energy. Most buckle carriers do take up more space than ring slings when not in use! Between carrying children you can wear your buckle carrier clipped around your waist and ready for use.
Most buckle carriers are either baby or toddler size. However, if you have two children you may need to carry on your school run then you could consider an adjustable carrier. Carriers, such as the Lenny Lamb Up, or Boba X have a large range of adjustment. If you’re looking to carry your school age child home then a larger buckle carrier like a preschool option could be great!
Onbuhimo are carriers with no waistband which are suitable from around 6 months and up to preschool or beyond. They are usually either 6-24 months size, or 2 years +. Buckle onbuhimo are very fast to put on. Your child steps into it, and you can put them on your back very quickly! They are less bulky than some buckle carriers too so can fold up and go in a bag quite easily if your child is up and down a lot.
So, if speed is key on your school run then they are definitely worth a try!
School runs can be testing enough without adding in tired unhappy children! If you’d like to try slinging on the school run then we have a range of slings to hire or buy and you can get in touch to book a free phone consult for more advice!
Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Calming & nurturing children, Carrying, Children, Why carry